Uses of Class

Uses of EncodedElement in javaFlacEncoder

Subclasses of EncodedElement in javaFlacEncoder
 class EncodedElement_32
          EncodedElement which uses an integer array as a backing, rather than the byte array.

Methods in javaFlacEncoder that return EncodedElement
 EncodedElement EncodedElement.addInt(int input, int bitCount)
          Add a number of bits from an int to the end of this list's data.
 EncodedElement EncodedElement_32.addInt(int input, int bitCount)
          Add a number of bits from an int to the end of this list's data.
 EncodedElement EncodedElement.addLong(long input, int bitCount)
          Add a number of bits from a long to the end of this list's data.
 EncodedElement EncodedElement_32.convertToEncodedElement()
 EncodedElement FrameHeader.createHeader(boolean fixBlock, int blockSize, int sampleRate, EncodingConfiguration.ChannelConfig channelAssign, int sampleSize, long frameNumber, int channelCount, EncodedElement result)
          Create the header for a frame with the given parameters.
 EncodedElement Subframe_Fixed.getData()
          Get the data from the last encode attempt.
 EncodedElement Subframe_LPC.getData()
          Get the data from the last encode attempt.
protected static EncodedElement EncodedElement.getEnd_S(EncodedElement e)
          Return the last element of the list given.
 EncodedElement EncodedElement.getEnd()
          Return the last element of the list given.
static EncodedElement FLACStreamIdentifier.getIdentifier()
          Get an EncodedElement containing the marker(which is itself in a byte array).
static EncodedElement MetadataBlockHeader.getMetadataBlockHeader(boolean lastBlock, MetadataBlockHeader.MetadataBlockType type, int length)
          Create a meta-data block header of the given type, and return the result in a new EncodedElement(so data is ready to be placed directly in FLAC stream)
static EncodedElement MetadataBlockStreamInfo.getStreamInfo(StreamConfiguration sc, int minFrameSize, int maxFrameSize, long samplesInStream, byte[] md5Hash)
          Create a FLAC StreamInfo metadata block with the given parameters.
 EncodedElement EncodedElement.packInt(int[] inputArray, int bitSize, int start, int skip, int countA)
          Append an equal number of bits from each int in an array within given limits to the end of this list.
 EncodedElement EncodedElement.packIntByBits(int[] inputA, int[] inputBits, int inputOffset, int countA)
          Pack a number of bits from each int of an array(within given limits)to the end of this list.
 EncodedElement EncodedElement_32.packIntByBits(int[] inputA, int[] inputBits, int inputOffset, int countA)
          Pack a number of bits from each int of an array(within given limits)to the end of this list.

Methods in javaFlacEncoder with parameters of type EncodedElement
 boolean EncodedElement.attachEnd(EncodedElement e)
          Attach an element to the end of this list.
static int RiceEncoder.beginResidual(boolean useFiveBitParam, byte order, EncodedElement ele)
          Create the residual headers for a FLAC stream.
 EncodedElement FrameHeader.createHeader(boolean fixBlock, int blockSize, int sampleRate, EncodingConfiguration.ChannelConfig channelAssign, int sampleSize, long frameNumber, int channelCount, EncodedElement result)
          Create the header for a frame with the given parameters.
 int RiceEncoder.encodeRicePartition(int[] values, int inputOffset, int inputStep, int inputCount, EncodedElement destEle, int bitParam, boolean fiveBitParam)
          Rice-encode a set of values, adding necessary headers for FLAC format.
static int RiceEncoder.encodeRicePartitionEscaped(int[] values, int inputOffset, int inputStep, int inputCount, EncodedElement destEle, int bitParam, boolean fiveBitParam)
 int Frame.encodeSamples_OLD(int[] samples, int count, int start, int skip, EncodedElement result, long frameNumber)
          Encodes samples into the appropriate compressed format, saving the result in the given “data” EncodedElement list.
abstract  int Subframe.encodeSamples(int[] samples, int count, int start, int skip, EncodedElement data, int offset, int bitsPerSample)
          Encodes samples into the appropriate compressed format, saving the result in the given “data” EncodedElement list.
 int Subframe_Constant.encodeSamples(int[] samples, int count, int start, int skip, EncodedElement data, int offset, int bitsPerSample)
 int Subframe_Fixed.encodeSamples(int[] samples, int count, int start, int skip, EncodedElement dataEle, int offset, int unencSampleSize)
 int Subframe_LPC.encodeSamples(int[] samples, int count, int start, int skip, EncodedElement dataEle, int offset, int unencSampleSize)
 int Subframe_Verbatim.encodeSamples(int[] samples, int count, int start, int skip, EncodedElement data, int offset, int bitsPerSample)
 int Frame.encodeSamples(int[] samples, int count, int start, int skip, EncodedElement result, long frameNumber)
          Encodes samples into the appropriate compressed format, saving the result in the given “data” EncodedElement list.
protected static EncodedElement EncodedElement.getEnd_S(EncodedElement e)
          Return the last element of the list given.
 void BlockEncodeRequest.setAll(int[] samples, int count, int start, int skip, long frameNumber, EncodedElement result)
          Set all values, preparing this object to be sent to an encoder.